Account help

Your account
Making a request for an online service
  • I can’t find the service I’m looking for
    To search for all the online services available at the moment go to My Account > Make a request and click on the relevant department to reveal the forms. We are working towards including as many services as possible online and we will be adding new services frequently. If you would like to know about new online services remember to choose the option to receive e-mails and texts notifying you of new services by going to My Account > Account Details > Personal details and preferences.
  • I've started to fill in a form and I've saved it so I can finish it later, but now I can't find it
    Only some forms (displaying a ‘Save’ button) offer this option. To see forms you have partly filled in but not yet submitted and service requests you have submitted go to My Account > My requests If you have any problems with your service requests call Galw Gwynedd contact centre on 01766 771000 or e-mail
If you cannot find an answer to your question here, e-mail