Lead and Manage:
• Lead and Manage Science and Technology Area of Learning including to:
o be responsible for the curricular area budget and draw up orders for equipment / resources
o be responsible for all resources of the curriculum area
o hold regular meetings
o formulate an annual Area of Learning & Experience Improvement Plan and review it annually
o assist the SLT with advertising and appointing roles within the curriculum area
o attend meetings / committees as required
• Lead and support a team of teaching staff within the area of learning ensuring that the school’s curricular policies, procedures and guidelines along with the duties of classroom teachers are carried out
• Inspect the work of ancillary staff supporting work within the area of learning, ensuring their most effective use
• Respond to and assist others for requests for information
• Ensure effective communication and knowledge transfer between pupils, staff, SLT and external agencies for the welfare, care and educational development of pupils
• Ensure opportunities for Professional Development for staff within the area of learning
• Develop links between the area and the community and the world of work – where appropriate and advantageous
• Develop close links with catchment primary schools for KS2-KS3 collaboration and transition
• Properly address Health and Safety issues
Teaching and Learning:
• Formulate goals and objectives for the area of learning that align with the priorities of the School detailing the knowledge, understanding, skills and values to be gained by pupils of all ages and abilities
• Formulate and keep up to date working plans for the area of learning that respond to Curriculum for Wales and exam board syllabuses, taking into account:
o continuation in curriculum aged 5-16
o teaching and learning methods
o assessment methods
o requirements of pupils of different abilities
o pay proper attention to cross-curricular aspects
• Develop and implement an appropriate assessment regime that will:
o pay attention to all knowledge, understanding skills and values developed
o regularly assess progress
o enable staff to identify underachievement
o enable staff to monitor and track pupils' progress
o enable staff to report pupils' progress to themselves, their parents and the SLT
• Be familiar with the requirements of national assessment methods including Curriculum for Wales, exam board syllabuses and external examinations
• Be responsible for the composition of learning groups within the area
• Advise SLT on the best use of staff within the area
• Ensure that the classrooms of the area together with the surrounding corridors provide a neat and engaging environment that motivates pupils, and that displaying pupils' work is part of this environment
• Regularly monitor and review pupils' development and progress within the area of learning
• Stay up to date on any developments within the area (such as content, methodology) and cross curricular field
• Undertake an appropriate education programme in accordance with teaching staff duties and job description
• Assess, record and report pupil progress in accordance with duties and teaching staff job description
Pupil progress:
• Be responsible for pupils' behaviour and educational progress within the area of learning
• Monitoring pupils' educational progress within the area
• Compile / prepare reports on pupils' educational progress within the area as required
• Monitoring pupils' academic records within the area by:
o authorising the celebration of success in accordance with the school's behaviour, praise and discipline policy
o implementing the disciplinary procedure in accordance with the School's behaviour, praise and discipline policy
Standards and Quality Assurance:
• Monitoring work and standards within the area by:
o lesson monitoring
o standardisation of pupil work
o keeping a portfolio of pupils' work and standards
o data analysis