Purpose of the Post.
• Ensuring that the people of Gwynedd are central to everything we do.
• To assist vulnerable people who have various intensive, complex and numerous support needs to meet their housing needs, and to provide quick support to individuals by acting in a preventive manner in order to reduce the risk of homelessness.
• Work closely with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Co-ordinator.
• Working within a multi-agency framework to ensure that individuals receive the full range of support.
• Coordinating the housing support needs of individuals with intense, complex and numerous mental health needs and coordinating their support plans.
Responsibility for functions . e.g. staff, budgets, equipment
Main Duties
• Support indivuduals under threat of being homeless which is also a complex case with many intense support needs.
• Coordinating housing support services for clients with intensive, complex and numerous support needs; including providing direct support and also liaising with other agencies that can provide ancillary support.
• Contribute to the referral process into the Housing First scheme commissioned by the Council as required.
• Conduct visits in the hospital, home or bail hostel of the National Probation Service as and when necessary.
• Work with clients to improve skills and overcome barriers so they can successfully progress to independent housing, including remaining in their own property without assistance.
• Support the client so that they can feel safe, identify any problems and find suitable solutions.
• Use a strength and needs assessment to identify the appropriate Support package needed to meet the clients' aspirations and goals. This will include providing appropriate support and action plans, reviewing them regularly and monitoring progress using appropriate tools such as Ysgol Newid, Star Result.
• Identify which support needs can be met by other agencies (e.g. benefits, housing, tenancy support, well-being, education, jobs, physical and mental health appointments,
• Provide a service where the customer is the focus - for those people who are homeless or under
• well-being activities) and make relevant referrals, developing casework links with the appropriate provider.
• Persist in motivating clients in a positive way when they are not engaging with the service. Encourage clients to develop their practical life skills needed for independent housing. (eg, budgeting, paying bills, planning meals, shopping, cooking, navigating benefits).
• Be sensitive to people's needs (e.g. culture, religion, background, personal beliefs, age, personal experiences etc.) when providing support.
• Dealing with clients in an impartial way and not judging them.
• Conduct a support assessment of the clients' housing circumstances to identify the problems/problems.
• Looking at possible solutions for clients to solve their housing problem, ensuring that their needs and wishes are taken into account.
• Motivate clients to be proactive and to find solutions and take responsibility for their housing outcome.
• Hold and attend relevant meetings and case conferences with other departments of the Council or external agencies as necessary, (such as Social Services, Mental Health Service, SMS, the Police, GISDA, Nacro, DIP and the Probation Service) .
• Trying to remove the obstacles to getting effective solutions for clients and drawing help from other staff from the Council or external agencies as needed.
• Provide advice and support on realistic housing options and direct and guide them to other agencies as needed.
• Ensure that clients are moved from temporary accommodation to other suitable accommodation as soon as possible
• Identify any support needs for the clients and liaise with appropriate support workers.
• Submit official orders and process invoices for payment in accordance with the Council's policies and procedures.
• Ensure clients are registered for Social Housing on the common housing register and liaise with the Housing Options Team to ensure the information is up to date
• Ensure that risk assessments and Care Plans (Mental Health) have been received by criminal justice partners, Mental Health and SMS in order to assess the suitability of temporary and permanent properties
• Complete and update risk assessments when necessary
• Share all relevant information regarding health and safety with housing and support providers to ensure appropriate accommodation
• Develop a close working relationship with the Mental Health Justice Services, SMS and New Start and other partners such as Recovery, Nacro, North Wales Housing, Probation Officer etc.
• Represent the Council and, when necessary, take the lead in multi-agency meetings and case conferences.
• Attend multi-agency meetings to discuss clients and give advice on the suitability of accommodation etc.
• Discuss high risk Clients and advise on the suitability of the property.
• Liaise with Housing and Support projects and the Council's hostels, to discuss property suitability and plans to move forward.
• Attend Team Meetings and contribute to the development and improvement of the service.
• Effective use of IT systems to record information for statistical purposes
• Provide statistical information and reports as required
• Attending courses on homelessness legislation and any other relevant courses relating to the field of housing, housing support and mental health which contribute to personal development in the job.
• Proactively reflects and reviews your own work practices and identifies areas for improvement and / or training - jointly with the line manager.
• Ensure compliance with any risk management arrangements identified in risk assessments that are relevant to the work
• Responsibility for self-development.
• Ensure compliance with Health and Safety rules in the workplace in accordance with the responsibilities noted in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Council’s Health and Safety Policy.
• Operate within the Council’s policies in relation to equal opportunities and equality.
• Responsible for managing information in accordance with the Council’s information management guidelines. Ensure that personal information is treated in accordance with Data Protection legislation.
• Commitment to reducing the Council’s carbon emissions in accordance with the Carbon Management Plan, and to encourage others to act positively towards reducing the Council’s Carbon Footprint.
• Undertake any other reasonable duty which corresponds to the salary level and responsibility level of the job.
• Responsibility to report any concern or suspicion that a child or vulnerable adult is being abused.
Special Circumstances . e.g. the need to work unsociable hours, special working arrangements etc.
• The post holder may need to work unsocial hours, as required.
• This post is exempt under the Resettlement of Offenders Act 1974. Therefore, if your application is successful you will need to ask the Criminal Record Disclosure Office for disclosure. The Council will provide the relevant form and pay the fee. More information about the process is available from applying.