Personal attributes
•Strong inter-personal skills displaying sincerity when engaging with residents and carers on various issues involving their well-being.
•Creativity and the eagerness and confidence to offer ideas
•Honest, self-confident, assertive and flexible.
•Clear empathy towards people who require additional support
•Enthusiasm, energy, perseverance and the will to solve problems.
•Diplomatic and patient character •Able to take on responsibilities and to communicate effectively.
•The ability to work under pressure and as part of a team.
•The ability to see the relevance of all types of colleagues, and bring the best out of them, in instigating collaboration in the fields of well-being, mental health and unpaid carers.
•A real interest in people and a proactive approach to finding solutions in relation to meeting the needs of vulnerable groups.
•Respect the individualism and uniqueness of specific communities where the relationships and strengths of that community can be built upon.
•Strong commitment and the ability to motivate yourself.
•Self confidence in encouraging colleagues from agencies, organisations and community groups to work together effectively and to clear objectives.
Qualifications and relevant training
•Degree or similar qualification.
•ECDL qualification or corresponding qualification in the use of ITC.
•Recognised qualification in project management. Additional qualification in marketing and/or communication.
•Qualification in evaluating projects.
Relevant experience
•Experience of working closely with front-line colleagues in either the care, health, education, voluntary sector professions or through a community project.
•Experience of facilitating and working with groups to encourage them to take part in activities and/or specific tasks.
•Experience of writing reports summarising findings after an evaluation period based on evidence, measuring effectiveness tools.
•Experience of making application for grants from various sources.
•Experience of co-ordinating multi-agency activities and/or meetings
•Experience of working directly with people and/or children whether in the community, at a school, care establishment, statutory, private or voluntary agencies
•Experience of evaluating projects
Skills and specialist knowledge
•Excellent communication skills, on a 1 to 1 level, in groups and publicly at workshops
•Communication skills using various media (modern and traditional)
•Skills to nurture positive relations between people with various needs and interests.
•Skills to work at a multi-agency level, being able to collaborate and learn from specialists in various fields.
•Negotiation skills and compromising between various parties who expect different things from you
•Engagement skills
•Facilitating skills
•Excellent organisational skills which ensure that others are clear about the timescale, objectives and purpose of any activity.
•Knowledge about the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2014, the Well-being of Future Generations Act 2016, and the The Five Ways to Well-being (Public Health Wales).
•Information about the gathering and treatment of qualitative and quantitative data.
•Knowledge about the unpaid carers field, particularly Young Carers and carers of children with additional needs.
•Knowledge about the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010
•Knowledge about the Third Sector, social enterprises and the various support sources available to support people with their well-being
•Skills in producing leaflets on CANVA.
•Skills in promoting relevant issues on social media
Language requirements
Listening and Speaking - Higher
Able to follow a conversation or discussion through the medium of Welsh and English on a professional level and discuss general day to day topics in the field in order to present information and express opinions.Able to give a pre-prepared presentation and respond to any comments and questions on it in Welsh or English.
Reading and Understanding - Higher
Able to understand standard written Welsh and English; both formal and informal.Able to gather information from various sources such as letters, reports, articles through the medium of Welsh and English in order to fulfil the post.
Writing - Higher
Present written information confidently by letter, more detailed and technical report formats, and respond to written requests conveying information, ideas and opinion in Welsh and English (help is available to check the work).