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Become a library member

You can apply for library membership by filling this form. Your library card will be sent to you by post. If you have not received your card within 5 working days, please e-mail 1 document is needed to prove your name and address (e.g. council tax / electricity / gas / phone bill, driving licence). You can send a copy of the document using this form. We will not keep a copy of the document, only record that we have seen the document. If you cannot send a copy of the document with this form, the first time you visit the library after receiving your card you will need to bring it along with you. If you are under 16 years old you will receive a consent form for internet use; a guardian has to sign this, and you should bring it with you the first time you visit the library.
The card will be issued subject to Gwynedd Library Service's Byelaws, and is not transferable. The holder is responsible for each item borrowed on the card’s authority. The card must be produced each time you borrow books or other items or use a public computer. If the card is lost please report this immediately. You will be charged for a replacement. Please tell the Library Service about any change of name or address.

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