Spark Fund and Transform Fund are support schemes for Gwynedd businesses to recover and develop, stabilise and prepare for the future. The aim is to enable businesses to increase profits either through savings or increased income. The Spark Fund supports grants from £2,500 to £25,000 (APPLICATIONS PAUSED) The Transformation Fund supports grants from £25,001 to £250,000
The following is the information you will need to provide in addition to this form:
For what purposes is the grant required? Please explain why you need the grant, i.e. without the grant you could not undertake the activity outlined in your application: - At all - To the same extent - Within a reasonable timescale
Please provide a breakdown of how the grant will be used and provide details of quotes: (Original projections / quotes must be attached) - At least 3 for each item if it is £5,000 or higher for each supplier. - For items over £50,000 please contact us for further procurement instructions
How much more profit do you expect to make over the next three years?
How much savings do you expect to make over the next three years?
Projection of turnover for next two financial years as a result of the grant (to the nearest £1)
If the answer is 'Yes', you may need to provide a copy of these policies.