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Restrictions Business Fund: NDR Linked Grants - March 2021

Registration/Application Form

The Funds have now closed to new applications. Applications already submitted are still being assessed.
The Welsh Government introduced the Restrictions Business Fund to support businesses (principally in the hospitality, tourism, leisure and non-essential retail sectors) with cash flow support and to help them survive the economic consequences of restrictions put in place to control the spread of Covid-19 which were extended by the First Minister in his announcement on 12th March 2021. Further non-domestic rates (NDR) linked grants are now available and seek to complement other Covid-19 response measures to support businesses, social enterprises and charitable organisations in Wales. You cannot and should not apply for a local authority discretionary fund grant if you are eligible for one of these NDR linked grants. i) Grant A: A £4,000cash grant payment for hospitality, tourism and related supply chain businesses including some retail businesses with Small Business Rate Relief (SBRR) qualifying hereditaments with a rateable value of £12,000 or less. ii) Grant B: A £5,000cash grant payment for hospitality, tourism and related supply chain businesses including some retail businesses occupying hereditaments with a rateable value between £12,001 and £500,000. The new NDR linked grant schemes are being introduced in Wales on 15th March 2021. They will help businesses affected by coronavirus restrictions to meet operating costs falling within the 2020/21 financial year to 31st March 2021. Please note that the previous NDR linked grant schemes introduced in December 2020 and subsequently extended closed to new applicants at 5pm on Thursday 11th March 2021. If you registered your details and received an NDR linked grant for the schemes introduced in December 2020 and subsequently extended, you do not need to take any further action. Your local authority will process your new grant payment. If you did not register your details and did not receive a grant via the schemes introduced in December and you wish to apply for one of the new grants, you will need to complete this short registration form. Businesses needing to register will need to be liable as the ratepayer to the local authority and in occupation of the qualifying hereditament on 1st March 2021. Please only compete this application form if you are liable for paying business rates to your local authority.

Information about your business


Your Personal Details


Impact of the restrictions on your business

Please tick one statement that applies to your business: *
My business has been required to close as a result of the national restrictions put in place for hospitality, tourism and leisure businesses

My business has been required to close as a result of the national restrictions put in place for non-essential retail businesses

My business has not been required to close but my turnover has been materially impacted by the restrictions put in place. Materially impacted means a >40% reduction in January and February 2021 as compared to January and February 2020 (or a comparable two month period if the business was not trading in Jan/Feb 2020).

For those not required to close ONLY, please provide the following:

Your Local Authority may request further information/documentation to evidence this turnover reduction.

Your business bank details


The local authority may request bank statements and further information to evidence trading activity prior to restrictions being introduced in December 2020.

Subsidy Control

Have you received any subsidy (money from the public sector - as defined in the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement) during the previous 3 fiscal years (i.e. current fiscal year and the previous two fiscal years)? *


I confirm that I have read and understood the Restrictions Business Fund NDR linked Grant Guidance document. I confirm that my business operates in Wales. I acknowledge that my Local Authority or the Welsh Government will undertake any appropriate business checks considered necessary to assess the application and to check the nature, use and impact of the funding in the future. I confirm that I am not in receipt of or applying for the Restrictions Business Fund Discretionary Grant. I understand that I can be awarded a Non Domestic Rates Grant(s) OR a Discretionary Grant for this business and I cannot be awarded both types of grant for this business. I confirm that I have provided all required evidence to support my application for the Restrictions Business Fund NDR Grant. I confirm that I have read and understood the privacy statement of the Restrictions Business Fund NDR Grant. I understand that if a grant payment is made and evidence subsequently emerges to show that I am not eligible for that grant payment, the Local Authority, acting on behalf of Welsh Government, may require repayment of the grant in full or part from me. Also, should it be determined that the payment was made as a result of an act of fraud by me or on my behalf, legal action may be taken against me. My business is not currently required to close having infringed social-distancing rules. My business is not dormant, in liquidation, dissolved or in the process of being struck off. My business was actively trading and generating sales revenue up to 6pm on the 4th December 2020. (The local authority may request bank statements and further information to evidence trading activity prior to restrictions being introduced in December 2020).
I agree to all the above declarations and I declare that the information provided in this application is true and accurate. *