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1. James Hanbury Lewis, Haverfordwest, merchant; John Lewis, late of the city of Bristol, Merchant, now of Cheltenham, in the county of Gloucester, Jane Lewis, Swansea, in the county of Glamorgan, spinster and Elizabeth Lewis of the same place, spinster.
2. David Annwyl of Bala, in the county of Merioneth, gent.
LEASE [part of LEASE and RELEASE] for one year of all those messuages, dwelling houses, stables and other outbuildings, closes, parcels of arable and pasture land, hereditaments and premises devised in and by the will of Henry Owen, deceased, described as the estate and its dependancies called Llwyndee in the parish of Celynin, in the county of Merioneth, particularly .under under .under the names of Llwyndee, Porthygwyddfwlch, Gwastad Goed Ganol, Rhydid fach, Bodwlan and Gorswen. All those lands recently measured and surveyed contain the following farm house, stables, barns, out-buildings, yard, garden and homestead thereunto adjoining (being the Llwyndee farm house); also a parcel of land called Berllan Newydd containing 3 roods and 2 perches; also that parcel of land called Coed containing 1 acre, 2 roods and 36 perches; that land called Cae pant y dwfr containing 2 acres, 27 perches; also that land called Cae ty mawr containing 2 acres, 2 roods and 20 perches, also that peice of land called Hen Garnedd containing 2 acres, 35 perches; also that land called Cae beudy newydd containing 3 acres; also land called Cae Newydd Isaf containing one acre, one rood and 18 perches; also land called Cae Mawr Uchaf containing 2 acres, 33 perches; land called Cae Mawr Isaf containing 3 acres, 19 perches; land called Coed Cae containing one rood 20 perches also that ground called Llain containing 2 roods, 6 perches; all that land Cae Pvdew containing 2 acres, 2 roods, 5 perches; all that land called Cae Merddyn Poeth containing 1 acre, 26 perches; all of this land being within a ring fence and bounded on the north by the land of Anthony Morgan on the west by the high road leading from Dolgellau to Llwyngwrwl [sic], on the north by the lands of Anthony Morgan and on the east in part by lands belonging to Porthgwyddfwlch farm and on the remaining part by land of the said Anthony Morgan; .also .also all that other close or parcel of land called Cyfar y Felin and all that land called Trallwm containing 5 acres, 2 roods and 9 perches bounded on all sides by Cardigan Bay, the friends burying ground and lands of the said Anthony Morgan. The latter piece of land containing 32 acres, 3 roods and commonly called Llwyndee farm and in the occupation of John Davies; all that messuage or farm house with stables; all that land, farm house, stables, barns, outbuildings called Porthgwyddfwlch farm now in the occupation of Owen Lewis containing 1 rood, 24 perches; also that land called Cae Skybor containing 3 roods 28 perches; all that land called Cae Llwyd containing 2 acres, 2 roods, 22 perches; all that land called Cae tan y ty containing 2 acres, 1 roods and 20 perches; all that land called cae bonhadlog containing 3 acres 32 perches; all that land called Cetn bron hengwys containing 3 acres, 2 roods and 6 perches; all that land called Cae ffos ddwfr containing 2 acres, 2 roods and 32 perches; all that land called Tyn y Cae containing 5 acres, 1 roods and 26 perches; all that land called Cae Lloi containing 1 acre; All that land called Werglodd Fawr containing 4 acres, 3 roods and 7 perches; all that land called Cae Ffynnonan containing 4 acres, 2 roods and 30 perches; all that land called Sgubor containing 10 perches; all that land called Rhos containing 6 acres, 2 roods and 30 perches; all that land called Nant y Cae containing 4 acres, 1 rood and 21 perches; all that land called Cae Cornel containing 2 acres, 3 roods and 24 perches. . All the .All the said messuage, farm house, closes, pieces or parcels of land contain 45 acres, 2 roods and 32 perches and known by the name of Porthygwyddfwlch farm, now in the occupation of a tenant, Owen Lewis and bounded on part of the east, on the south and on part of the west sides by lands of the said Anthony Morgan, on the other part of the west side by Llwyndee farm, on the north side by the land of Anthony Morgan the Gwastad Goed canol farm; all that messuage or farmhouse, barn, stable yard and homestead (being the farm house of Gwastad Goed Canol farm) now in the occupation of Rees Williams and containing 22 perches and the garden adjoining the said iarm measuring 4 perches; land called Cae tan y Ty containing 3 roods, 15 perches; land called Garth train containing 1 rood, 4 perches; land called Dalar Las measuring 1 rood, 31 perches; land called Cae Caled measuring 1 acre, 2 roods and 2 perches; land called Cae Cilin Isaf measuring 1 acre, 2 roods, 26 perches; land called Cae Cilin measuring 2 roods, land called Dalar Fain containing 1 rood, 10 perches; land called Cae Brwynog measuring 1 acre, 10 perches; land called Cae Newydd measuring 1 acre, 29 perches; land called Cae Uchaf measuring one acre and 4 perches; all that last described messuage or farm house, closes, pieces or parcels of land or ground measure altogether 8 acres, 3 roods and 27 perches and known by the name of Gwastad goed canoi farm or estate, now in the occupation of a tenant Rees Williams and bounded by lands belonging to Porthgwyddfwlch farm on the south, by the lands of Anthony Morgan on the west, .by the lands . by the lands of the Rev. John Maurice Edwards on the North and in the allotment next described on the east; all that messuage, tenement, dwelling house, stables and other outbuildings, garden and enclosure, parcel of land thereunto adjoined called Tan y Ty measuring in all 2 acres and 3 perches, all of which is known as Rhyd y did fach now in the occupation of a tenant, Lewis Miles and bounded by the lands of the Rev. John Maurice Edwards and Mrs. Owen on all sides; all that messuage, tenement or farm house, yard, garden and homestead being the Bodwlan Farm now in the occupation of Edward Davies and measuring one rood and 5 perches; that close or parcel of land being called Werglodd ddu measuring l acre, 1 rood and 33 perches also that close or parcel of ground called Cae Oddiar Ty measuring 2 acres, 3 roods; land called Cae tan ty measuring l acre, 2 roods and 31 perches; land called Llechwedd measuring 2 acres, 3 roods and 17 perches; land also called Llechwedd measuring 2 acres, 3 roods and 20 perches; land called Cae Glyn yr afon measuring 2 acres, 3 roods and 19 perches; land called Cae Llechwedd measuring 4 acres and 4 perches; land called Cae Main measuring 2 acres, 1 rood and 37 perches; land called Cae bach measuring 2 roods and 18 perches; land called Werglodd y cyt measuring 2 acres, 1 rood and 28 perches; land called Ceu Nant measuring 1 acre, 2 roods and 4 perches; land called Cae Crown measuring 2 acres, 1 rood and 16 perches; land called Ffrith fach measuring 2 acres, 2 roods and 32 perches; land called Frith, measuring 10 acres, . Perches .7 perches; all the aforesaid lands measure altogether 40 acres, 3 roods and 31 perches, commonly known by the name of Bodwlan Farm in the occupation of a tenant Edward Davies and bounded by the lands of Anthony Morgan on the south East, by the Llwyngwril river on the southwest; by the land of Anthony Morgan on the North west and by the allotment secondly hereinafter mentioned on the north east; all that messuage, tenement or farmhouse with stables, barns, yards, gardens and homesteads being the farmhouse belonging to Gorsewen farm or estate measuring 1 rood, 20 perches; land called Ddol measuring 1 acre, 2 roods and 15 perches; land called werglodd measuring 1 acre, 19 perches; land called Cae tu cefn yr sgubor measuring 1 acre, 3 roods and 28 perches; land called Cae Canol measuring 1 acre, 2 roods and 28 perches; land called Dalar oddiar y ffordd measuring 1 rood, 28 perches; land called Cae glas measuring 1 acre, 1 rood and 39 perches; land called Pwll measuring 3 roods and 28 perches; land called Cae melyn measuring 1 acre, 3 roods and 30 perches; land called Cae Crwn measuring 2 acres, 3 roods and 14 perches; all the last messuage or farmhouse and land measures altogether 14 acres, 1 rood and 9 perches, in the occupation of a tenant Hugh Roberts and commonly known as Gorswen farm and bounde on all sides by a road leading from Llwyngwril to Celynin by the land of Bulkeley Hatchett, Esq, and Rev, John Maurice Edwards and by Cardigan Bay; also all that land measuring 53 acres, 3 roods and 2 perches adjoining different parts of the Porthgwyddfwlch farm and Gwastad Coed Canol farms and bounded by the same on part of the South [sides] on the west side by land of the Rev. John Maurice Edwards and the poor of the parish on the north and by an allotment of Richard Williams, Esq, on the east and by an allotment of Anthony Morgan on the other part of the south side. Also all that land measuring 34 acres, 20 perches situated on the north east side of the Bodwlan Farm and bounded by the said farm on the whole of the South West side, by an allotment of the lord of the Manor on the North West by an allotment of Sir Robert Vaughan on the North East and by an allotment of Mrs. Mary Vaughan on the South East side.

Iaith Tudalen

Yn unol ag arfer arferol archifdai yng Nghymru, cyflwynir manylion pob dogfen yn iaith y ddogfen honno. Lle mae'r manylion yn ymddangos yn Gymraeg, Cymraeg yw iaith y ddogfen; ac os yn Saesneg y dangosir y manylion, Saesneg yw iaith y ddogfen honno.