LETTERS & PAPERS re the construction of a water tank, cesspool, & septic tank and the laying of water service pipes and drain on Tynant Farm, pa. Gwyddelwern, including (a)1. Robert Evans, Tynant, pa. Gwyddelwern, Farmer 2. John Williams Jones, Clwydfa, Bala, Timber Nerchant 3. Joseph Jones, Pantycelyn, pa. Gwyddelsern, Quarry Locomotive Engine Driver. CONVEYANCE (draft copy) of a piece or parcel of land (farming part of Thynant Farm) situate in the pa. Gwyddelwern Consideration: £28:14:0 (b)1. Robert Evans, Tynant 2. Joseph Jones, Pantycelyn LICENCE (copy) to construct water tank, cesspool & septiu tank and to lay water pipes and drain on Tynsnt Farm