General or Monthly Series The main series of vouchers in the collection comprises bundles of bills, bundled by month of payment, and then collected into parcels spanning twelve months. Until June 1868, those parcels ran from July to June, from 1869 to 1895, from January to December, in 1896 and 1897 in half-yearly bundles, January to June and July to December reverting to yearly bundles running from January to December in 1898 and 1899. This series continues after 1899, and will be listed separately. A few monthly bundles had strayed from their original locations, and the obvious order has been reinstated. The vouchers cover estate, household and personal expenditure, throughout the period, although in 1886 and 1887 it appears that an attempt was made by the Hon. F.G. Wynn to adopt a system whereby personal and estate expenditure were kept in separate bundles. It would appear that the Hon. F.G. Wynn made other attempts to keep personal and ’business’ expenses apart, as can be seen from various of the other bundles of vouchers not included in this grouping, but listed as a separate Section. The entry for each bundle includes a note of some of the more interesting, unusual or significant items of expenditure recorded for each month. The selection of such information must perforce be a subjective (if not haphazard) exercise, but it was felt that a complete list of expenditure for each month would have been too long and unwieldy, while complete exclusion of all such information would not have been in the interests of students of the collection.