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Pori'r archifau


BUNDLE OF DOCUMENTS AND CORRESPONDENCE relating to the estate of Mr. Inigo Jones, deceased, owner of the Tudor Slate Works, Groeslon, and Mr. Ellis Davies’ position as joint trustee. Includes inventory of household furniture and effects of Gwnllys, home of Mr. Jones on his death 8 June 1923. Also Inigo Jones death certificate 19 June 1923 and funeral reception. There is also an unrelated letter from Mr. H. Kenealy Jones second trustee of Mr. Inigo Jones’ estate asking Mr. Davies to put in a good word for one of his employees’ sons, who had applied for a clerkship in a local solicitors’ firm.

Iaith Tudalen

Yn unol ag arfer arferol archifdai yng Nghymru, cyflwynir manylion pob dogfen yn iaith y ddogfen honno. Lle mae'r manylion yn ymddangos yn Gymraeg, Cymraeg yw iaith y ddogfen; ac os yn Saesneg y dangosir y manylion, Saesneg yw iaith y ddogfen honno.