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Casgliad Teulu Thruston, Pennal.

Thruston Family Papers, Pennal.

Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
Z/D/AD/106. LETTER of authority and copy from F. H. Annesley to Messrs Merriman and Thirlby to Land documents re t:1e Estate of Captain C. T. Thruston to Messrs. Barnard and Taylor.  1908 June 2
Z/D/AD/107. LETTER from Messrs Barnard and Taylor to Messrs Merriman and Thirlby re production of documents concerning the Pennal Tower Estate.  1908 June 4
Z/D/AD/108. LETTER from Mr. Gweart to Messrs Merriman, Pike and Merriman re the Pennal Towers Estate, offering to act a agent for the estate on behalf of the Mortgagees, the previous agent Mr. Pryse H. Hughes hav...  more 1908 June 5
Z/D/AD/109. CORRESPONDENCE re the Marriage Settlement of Mrs. Clement Thruston - the letters are as follows: From Merriman’s to Mrs. C. Thruston: 1914, April 15 (copy) 1914, May 8 (copy) 1927, May 20 (copy)...  more 1914 April 11 - 1927 May 20
Z/D/AD/110. COPRESPONDENCE: between 1. Messrs Merriman’s 3 Mitre Court, Temple E.C.4. 2. Mrs. C. S. M. Thruston the Lodge, Leominster, Herefordshire. 3. National Provincial Bank, Sloane Street, branch: conc...  more 1927 May 23- June 18
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