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Hysbysiadau Streic, Datganiadau, Adroddiadau a Trawsgrifiadau Printiedig o Lythyrau ac Erthyglau Papur Newydd yn ymwneud ag Anghydfodau Diwydiannol yn Chwarel Penrhyn, Bethesda.
Strike Notices, Statements, Reports and Printed Transcripts of Letters and Newspaper Articles relating to Industrial Disputes at the Penrhyn Quarry, Bethesda.

Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
XPQ/96/2/1 RHYBUDD a roddir o dan Ddeddf Cyd-fradwriaeih ac Amddiffiyniad, 38 a 39 Victoria, Pennod 86, Adran 7 - parthed y gosb a geir am fygwfh neu boeni unrhyw berson gydatr bwriad o orfodi’r cyfryw ber...  more 1875
XPQ/96/2/2 RHYBUDD (copi o XPQ/96/2/1).  1875
XPQ/96/2/3 OPEN LETTER: from Penrhyn Castle, Bangor, signed G. Douglas Pennant. To Penrhyn Quarrymen stating main points made by Mr. Arthur Wyatt, Quarry Manager [General] concerning the setting of bargains at ...  more 1885 May 4
XPQ/96/2/4 OPEN LETTER: from Penrhyn Castle, Bangor, by the Hon. G. Douglas Pennant replying to a memorial sent to him by six quarrymen. States his absolute refusal to restore ?Mr. Pennant Lloyd’s? agreem...  more 1885 May 20
XPQ/96/2/5 NOTICE: to Penrhyn Quarrymen from E.A. Young at Port Penrhyn, Bangor, stating that, in future, the Quarry Pay Saturday will be the only monthly holiday by order.  1888 Jan. 10
XPQ/96/2/6 OPEN LETTER: from Penrhyn Castle, Bangor, signed by [Lord] Penrhyn to Penrhyn Quarrymen, making future statement on the interpretation of the Rules laid down in the notice of May 1885; emphasis on con...  more 1888 April 24
XPQ/96/2/7 OPEN LETTER: [in pamphlet form] from Penrhyn Castle, Bangor, signed by [Lord Penrhyn] to the Employees at the Penrhyn Quarry: concerning the levels of Standards and minimum wages: reply to certain cas...  more 1896 Sept. 25
XPQ/96/2/8 NOTICE: to Penrhyn Quarrymen, from E. A. Young at Port Penrhyn, Bangor, stating that annual earnings are 22½% better than during 1887 [due to full time working], and that Lord Penrhyn has authorised a...  more 1892 Feb. 29
XPQ/96/2/9 NOTICE:to Penrhyn Quarrymen from E.A. Young at Port Penrhyn, Bangor, stating that Lord Penrhyn had granted a further 5% wage increase and that a further batch of 50 boys were to be admitted to the Qua...  more 1893 Feb. 17
XPQ/96/2/10 NOTICE: to Penrhyn Quarrymen from E.A. Young at Port Penrhyn, Bangor, stating that due to the depressed state of the slate trade the Quarrymen’s petition for a 25% rise in wages cannot be met; i...  more 1893 April 26
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