1. Richard Prythergh of the Inner Temple, London, Esq.. 2. Charles Horsley of Bushoppwilton, co. York., gent.. 3. Thomas Wynn of Bodvean. GRANT of interest in township Bodvean alias Bodean, and escheat lands called Wella Meredydd ap Eignion in township Bottan, and parcels of land in Bottan, formerly forfeited by Llewelyn Goch Bastard, to 3. above; and of interest in township Treverwith, commote of Meney, to 1. and 3. above jointly. Enclosed: TERRIER of pa.[rish] Boduan and ANSWERS [to a ?Visitation questionnaire], [undated, but possibly early 19th century]. Copy. [N.L.W. Bodfean 8]