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WARRRNT to the constables of the peace of the commote of Evioneth [Eifionydd] for the suppression of behaviour unseemly to the keeping of the Lord’s Day. A return is to be made of the names, qualities and abodes of any persons neglecting to attend church or chapel, together with all those profaning the Lord’s Day by working, playing games or sports, drinking or selling ale, swearing and blaspheming. In addition a return is demanded of the names of any pal. officers who fail in their duty, and of any persons who have given relief to sturdy beggars. All local officers are to assist in the apprehension of such offenders by publishing the warrant throughout the commote. Endorsed: NOTE by Howell and Owen Jones, constables for the commote of Evioneth [Eifionydd], that they have published the warrant in both Welsh and English but have not been informed of any special crimes. However they do have a list of all the ale-house keepers.

Page Language

In accord with normal archival practice in Wales, details of documents are presented in the language of the document. Where details appear in Welsh, then Welsh is the language in which the document is written; where they are in English, the document is in English.