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LETTER: O[liver] Cromwell, Cockpitt to the Justices of the Peace for co. Caernarfon concerning the Acts and Ordinances of Parliament for the relief of maimed soldiers and the families of soldiers who died in the service of Parliament. There have been numerous complaints that such widows, orphans and maimed soldiers have been refused relief by the Justices so that they "are exposed to greate extremity (if not perishing)" and many have returned to London to seek remedy and relief. Therefore the Justices are requested to levy a rate upon the co., so that "those poor souldiers, widdowes and orphants may not through the neglect thereof be exposed to misery and ruine contrary to the intentions of the Parliament And which suffered, would very much reflect upon the honor of the nation." The Justices are desired to produce half-yearly accounts for the Committee for maimed soldiers and to leave them with the Treasurers at Ely House in Holborn. He hopes they will be ready and willing to further such good and charitable work and remain their very loving friend.

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