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Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
XQA/L/7/1 LETTER: O.J. Griffith, Wrexham Bank, Denbighshire and Flint to ?Clerk of the Peace’s Office, Caernarfon, enclosing the Ale License Recognizances for the Hundreds of Uchaf, Isaf Nantconwy and Cre...  more 1821 Sept. 14
XQA/L/7/2 LETTER: H. Barber, Clerk of the Peace, Caernarfon, asking the [Justices of the Peace for the county of Caernarfon] to fill in particulars asked for in the accompanying form, to enable him to make a re...  more 1880 Aug. 21
XQA/L/7/3 COPY LETTER: H. Barber, Clerk of the Peace, Caernarfon to Mr. Williams to ignore the letter he referred to as he had already answered it. Billiard licenses do not require confirmation. Also refers to...  more 1880 Sept. 2
XQA/L/7/4 LETTER: John H. Roberts, Justices’ Clerk, Caernarfon Division, to H. Barber, Clerk of the Peace, Caernarfon, re new Alehouse Licence granted by the Justices of his Division to Edward Armsden, Pr...  more 1880 Sept. 9
XQA/L/7/5 COPY LETTER: H. Barber, Clerk of the Peace, Caernarfon, requesting recipient, to attend a meeting of the Licensing Committee at the Grand Jury Room, County Hall, Caernarfon on the 18th September for t...  more 1880 Sept. 13
XQA/L/7/6 COPY LETTER: H. Barner, Clerk of the Peace, Caernarfon, informing recipient that only one Magistrate had attended the meeting on the 18th September and requests him to attend a meeting of the Committe...  more 1880 Sept. 20
XQA/L/7/7 CIRCULAR LETTER: Leonard Courtney Whitehall to the Clerk of the Peace for the county of Caernarfon, being the Clerk of the Licensing Committee. He is directed by the Secretary, William Vernon Harcour...  more 1881 Aug. 3
XQA/L/7/8 LETTER: Hughes and Prichard, Magistrates Clerk’s Office, Bangor to J.H. Roberts asking him to call a meeting of the Licensing Committee at the Justices’ Room, Bangor, on the 20th September...  more 1881 Aug. 30
XQA/L/7/9 COVERING LETTER: Hughes and Prichard, Magistrates Clerk’s Office, Bangor to J.H. Roberts, Clerk of Peace, Caernarfon re the new licence referred to with the form of confirmation endorsed. They ...  more 1881 Sept. 7
XQA/L/7/10 LETTER: Hughes and Prichard, Magistrates Clerk’s Office, Bangor to J.H. Roberts. Mr. Thomas Morgan applied personally for the grant of the Licence but Mr. S.R. Dew appeared on behalf of another...  more 1881 Sept. 13
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