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Copies of Testimonials of Thomas Patrick, late Colour Sergeant and Orderly Room Clerk, 1st Battalion, 10th Regiment. Testimonials by James Darker (Quarter Master 1/10th Foor [Battalion]; S.C. Aunesley (Lieutenant Colonel 2/10th Regiment); S. Murphy (Major and Paymaster 1/10th Regiment); H. Radford Norman (Colonel Commander 1/10th Regiment); George C. Helme (Lieutenant Adjutant); E. A. Berger (Captain 1/10th Regiment); S.P.H. Crowe (Major 1/10th Regiment); H.M. Havelock (Colonel Assistant) Also, "true Extract of Parchment Certificate" of Thomas Patrick (late Colonel Sergeant and O.R.C. 1/10th Regiment)

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In accord with normal archival practice in Wales, details of documents are presented in the language of the document. Where details appear in Welsh, then Welsh is the language in which the document is written; where they are in English, the document is in English.