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Gaolers Reports and Visiting Magistrates Reports

Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
XQA/G/77 REPORT of the visiting Justices to the Justices at Quarter Sessions. Signed: I. N. Trevor and Parry.  1829 Jan. 15
XQA/G/78 STATEMENT by a John Jones, Gaoler of Caernarfon Gaol to the Justices of the Peace at the Epiphany Quarter Sessions 1829 that all rules in the gaol had been observed.  1829 Jan. 15
XQA/G/79 REPORT of the visiting Justices to the Justices at Quarter Sessions. State of gaol, good; no abuses; discipline good. Signed by Parry and P. B. Williams.  1829 April 13
XQA/G/80 STATEMENT by John Jones, gaoler, to the Justices at the Easter Quarter Sessions 1829 that the rules in the gaol have been observed.  1829 April 13
XQA/G/81 STATEMENT of John Jones, gaoler to the Justices at the Quarter Sessions 1829 that the rules of the gaol have been observed.  1829 July 16
XQA/G/82 REPORT of the visiting Justices GAOLER’S CERTIFICATE. Signed: John Jones.  1829 Oct. 22
XQA/G/83 REPORT. General report prepared by the Clerk of the Peace, based on the Reports of the visiting Justices, of the prison chaplain and on the certificate of the Keeper of the prison of Caernarfon.  1829 Oct. 22
XQA/G/84 LETTER. From Home Office. Enquires whether General Report of the Gaol received at the Home Office was for the year 1828 or 1829.  1829 Nov. 3
XQA/G/85 LETTER. From Clerk of the Peace to Secretary of State. Sends General annual report on the State of the Gaol.  1829 Nov. 15
XQA/G/86 REPORT. (copy) of the visiting Magistrates of the County Gaol. Signed: T.P.I. Parry and I.W. Trevor.  1829
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