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LETTER: To Mr. Turner, Architect, Chester. From: J. Hughes, Clerk of the Peace, Caerns. In the time of Mr. Howard, Hughes’ Predecessor, several plans were submitted for the New County Gaol, including Mr. Turner’s. It has now been decided to accept his plan by Quarter Sessions, but, if Mr. Turner supplied an estimate, it has been lost. Please will Mr. Turner revise the Plan and make a new estimate. On 15th May, Quarter Sessions will meet to enter contract for the work. The Plan and Estimate are needed as soon as possible, to give time to advertise for contractors. If Mr. Turner wishes to revisit the site now, or later to supervise the work, this will be convenient.

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In accord with normal archival practice in Wales, details of documents are presented in the language of the document. Where details appear in Welsh, then Welsh is the language in which the document is written; where they are in English, the document is in English.