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Independent Order of Foresters

Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
XM/5976/75 LETTER: F.W. Randall, Deputy Supreme Chief Ranger, Independent Order of Foresters, Sea View, Twthill, [Caernarfon], to Ll. Jones, Bryn Siriol, [Caernarfon], requesting that he arrange to see William R...  more 1904 Dec.8
XM/5976/76 LETTER: Medical Board of the Independent Order of Foresters to L.L. Jones, accepting his medical examination for £100 mortuary benefit.  1905 Jan.9
XM/5976/77 BY-LAWS of the Caernarfon Court of the Independent Order of Foresters.  1905 Jan.11
XM/5976/78 RECEIPTS (14) of the Caernarfon Court of the Independent Order of Foresters to Llewelyn Lloyd Jones, for mortuary benefit premium and court dues.  1905 Jan. - 1906 April
XM/5976/79 RECEIPTS (60) of the Caernarfon Court of the Independent Order of Foresters to Llewelyn Lloyd Jones, for mortuary benefit premium and court dues.  1906 May - 1912 Aug.
XM/5976/80 RECEIPTS (28) of the Caernarfon Court of the Independent Order of Foresters to Llewelyn Lloyd Jones, for mortuary benefit premium and court dues.  1912 Sept. - 1914 Dec.
XM/5976/81 PROSPECTUS of the Independent Order of Foresters.  1814
XM/5976/82 RECEIPTS (11) of the Caernarfon Court of the Independent Order of Foresters to Llewelyn Lloyd Jones, for mortuary benefit premium and court dues.  1915 Jan.-Dec.
XM/5976/83 RECEIPTS (11) of the Caernarfon Court of the Independent Order of Foresters to Llewelyn Lloyd Jones, for mortuary benefit premium and court dues.  1917 March - 1921 Sept.
XM/5976/84 PUBLICITY SHEET of the Caernarfon Court of the Independent Order of Foresters, re death claims paid.  n.d.

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In accord with normal archival practice in Wales, details of documents are presented in the language of the document. Where details appear in Welsh, then Welsh is the language in which the document is written; where they are in English, the document is in English.