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Papers of the executors of O. A. Poole dec.

Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
X/POOLE/6705 1 bundle of miscellaneous bills, vouchers, accounts, etc. of the late O. A. Poole of Gorphwysfa, Bangor and of his executors (including some interesting letterheads).  1817-1823
X/POOLE/6706 LETTER: Samuel Lowe, Burton on Trent, to O. A. Poole, enclosing bill for business conducted re dilapidations of the vicarage of Longdon.  1821 18 Aug.
X/POOLE/6707 LETTER: Maurice Wynne of Bangor to R. A. Poole, Gorphwysfa, Bangor, re expenses incurred by the late Mr. Poole for making a road from his slate works on Mannod mountain near Ffestiniog through a farm ...  more 1823 23 May
X/POOLE/6708 ACCOUNT of charges of probate of the will of Owen Anthony Poole, Esq., deceased.  1823

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In accord with normal archival practice in Wales, details of documents are presented in the language of the document. Where details appear in Welsh, then Welsh is the language in which the document is written; where they are in English, the document is in English.