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DRAFT LETTER to the Earl of Uxbridge re the question of a commercial school at Caernarfon. Some years ago there was a school in Caernarfon kept by Thomas Brown, who did a great deal of good in the town. For the 20 years he (Poole) lived in Caernarfon it was a constant regret that since Brown’s death there had never been a reputable school there. The idea of setting up a school arose recently at a private party and a meeting was held the next day at Mr. Poole’s house when it was agreed to advertise in the press that a public meeting would be held. Gives a report of the meeting and the question of the religious faith of the master - the suggestion that he should be Church of England was opposed by the dissenters. As the project seemed in danger of floundering, a committee was formed to consider the matter and the resolutions were hastily drawn up as a stopgap measure.

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