BILL OF COMPLAINT of William Roberts, late of Madryn, co.Caernarfon, yeoman, to the Lord Chancellor, Lord Hardwicke against William Bodvel of Madryn, Esq., and Hugh Williams, clerk. Recites how, in 1742, William Bodvel asked William Roberts to become his steward but he declined as he was not good at arithmetic, accounts, etc., having ’had but indifferent education’. Bodvel, however, was sure of his honesty and of his understanding of farm management and engaged him promising to manage a lot of the estate himself and ensure that a minimum of accountancy was necessary. His salary was £8 per annum with leave to keep 5-6 brood mares, 6-7 cattle and 40-50 sheep to enable him to make another £50 per annum. He was steward for over 8 years. During this time William Bodvel received the rents but as he was engaged with frequent visitors he often forgot to give receipts. While he stayed in London the money was sent to him either by bills of exchange or by drovers driving cattle from Caernarfon to London. These drovers were not given personal interviews but paid over the money to his agent or servants. Again the servants did not give receipts. In order to settle the accounts Hugh Williams, clerk, domestic chaplain of William Bodvel, took custody of all the accounts, receipts, etc. and refused to surrender them. Furthermore, a bill has been entered in court to force Willm Roberts to render account of his stewardship, accusing him of dishonesty. Gives further information on the case and asks for redress.