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Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
X/POOLE/3091 LETTER from Lt. Col. Gordon of the Horseguards acknowledging the receipt of Mr. Thomas Holder’s letter.  1807 25 May
X/POOLE/3092 SCHEDULE of part of the effects of the late Mr. Thomas Holder, sold 25th March.  1813 25 March
X/POOLE/3093 LETTER: Rev. J. Jervis of Lumpston, Devon, to John Price re estate of the late Mr. Holder of Caernarfon.  1813 9 March
X/POOLE/3094 AN INVENTORY of the goods of the late Mr. Thomas Holder of Caernarfon, co. Caernarfon, deceased, bequeathed to Ann Williams his servant during her life.  1813 11 March
X/POOLE/3095 COPY LETTER: Poole to Mr. John Jones re Mr. Holder of Caernarfon’s will.  1813 18 March
X/POOLE/3096 LETTER: Mr. John Force of Exeter to John Price, Caernarfon, re the estate of the late Thomas Holder of Caernarfon.  1813 18 March
X/POOLE/3097 PROBATE OF WILL (1812, 1 December) of Thomas Holder of Caernarfon, shopkeeper. Leaves his house, shop and warehouse and yard in Poole Street in the suburbs of Caernarfon, co. Caernarfon - now held by...  more 1813 19 Aug.
X/POOLE/3098 CIRCULAR from the Stamp Office re legacy duty on the will of Thomas Holder and another letter on same business.  1813 9 Oct.
X/POOLE/3099 LETTER: John Force from Exeter to Poole. Thanks Poole for sending a draft so promptly. However, his clients are badly in need of money until the bill becomes due. The bank offered to pay cash befor...  more 1813 18 Oct.
X/POOLE/3100 1 bundle of correspondence of Mr. John Force of Exeter to Mr. John Price of Caernarfon re settlement of the estate of some deceased. (Person not named).  1813-1814
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