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Cagliad Elizabeth Watkin Jones. Pwyllgor Amddiffyn Capel Celyn

Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
Z/M/4822/44 RECEIPT BOOK: with duplicates of receipts sent.  1957 March 27-1957 October
Z/M/4822/45 RECEIPT BOOK: with counterfoils of receipts sent.  1957 August-1957 Sept
Z/M/4822/46 BUNDLE of postage receipts  1957 Jan. 2-1957 Oct. 16
Z/M/4822/47 BUNDLE of miscellaneous receipts.  1956 March 29-1958 May 12
Z/M/4822/48 RHESTR O GYFRANIADAU at Gronfa Amddiffyn Capel Celyn.  d.d.
Z/M/4822/49 CASGLIAD O LUNIAU O GAPEL CELYN, Y PRESWYLWYR A GORYMDAITH YN LERPWL /1-34Golygfeydd o’r Cwm 35/41 Trigolion y Cwm 42-83 Gorymdaith yn Lerpwl  d.d.
Z/M/4822/50 EXTRACT from Picture Post: ’A valley waits for drowning or reprieve’ by Fyfe Robertson  1957 March 18
Z/M/4822/51 TORIADAU PAPUR NEWYDD yn dangos a thrafod Capel Celyn a’r trigolion.  1957 Rhagfyr 17-1963 Hydref 3
Z/M/4822/52 LLYFR YMWELWYR yn cofnodi ymwelwyr â’r ardal yn y cyfnod cyn y boddi.  1957 Awst 14-1963 Medi 29
Z/M/4822/53 NOTEBOOK containing extracts from Capel Celyn Board School Log Book 1881-1894.  n.d.
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In accord with normal archival practice in Wales, details of documents are presented in the language of the document. Where details appear in Welsh, then Welsh is the language in which the document is written; where they are in English, the document is in English.