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Cagliad Elizabeth Watkin Jones. Pwyllgor Amddiffyn Capel Celyn

Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
Z/M/4822/31 LLYFR NODIADAU yn cynnwys cofnod o bob gwariant, gan gynnwys stampiau ar dderbynebau.  [1956]
Z/M/4822/32 BANK STATEMENTS of Cronfa Pwyllgor Amddiffyn Capel Celyn at the Barclays Bank Limited, Bala.  1957 April 29-1958 Oct. 9
Z/M/4822/33-34 PAYING IN BOOKS for Cronfa Pwyllgor Amddiffyn Capel Celyn at Barclays Bank Limited.  1956 April 9 - 1957 Sept. 29 -
Z/M/4822/35-37 CHEQUE BOOKS of Barclays Bank Limited containing counterfoils and details of payments.  1956 June 8-1958 Oct. 1
Z/M/4822/38 BUNDLE of cheques paid out of Cronfa Amddiffyn Capel Celyn  1957 March 14 - 1958 Oct 1
Z/M/4822/39 BUNDLE OF CHEQUES paid out of Cronfa Amddiffyn Capel Celyn.  1956 June 8-1957 March 1
Z/M/4822/40 RECEIPT BOOK: counterfoils of receipts sent.  1956 June 21-1956 July 24
Z/M/4822/41 RECEIPT BOOK: counterfoils of receipts sent.  1956 July 26-1956 Nov. 7
Z/M/4822/42 RECEIPT BOOK: counterfoils of receipts sent.  1956 Nov. 20-1957 Jan. 15
Z/M4822/43 RECEIPT BOOK: counterfoils of receipts sent.  1957 Jan. 17-1957 March 26
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In accord with normal archival practice in Wales, details of documents are presented in the language of the document. Where details appear in Welsh, then Welsh is the language in which the document is written; where they are in English, the document is in English.