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XD/61/96 - 99

Cofrestrau Aelodaeth U.C.A.
N.F.U Membership Registers.

Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
XD/61/96 MEMBERS’ REGISTER  1937-1940
XD/61/97 MEMBERS’ REGISTER  1940-1943
XD/61/98 MEMBERS’ REGISTER  1942-1946
XD/61/99 LEDGER N.F.U. DEFAID SHEEP  1947-1949
XD/61/96 MEMBERS’ REGISTER  1937-1940
XD/61/97 MEMBERS’ REGISTER  1940-1943
XD/61/98 MEMBERS’ REGISTER  1942-1946
XD/61/99 LEDGER N.F.U. DEFAID SHEEP  1947-1949
XD/61/104 FILE: Anglesey & Caernarfonshire Dairies Use of Producers’ Cburns. Lists of individual producers. Letters dealing with the use of milk churns.  1949-1953
XD/61/105 FILE: Anglesey & Caernarfonshire Dairies Ltd. List of members. Trading, profit and loss account.  1955-1960
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In accord with normal archival practice in Wales, details of documents are presented in the language of the document. Where details appear in Welsh, then Welsh is the language in which the document is written; where they are in English, the document is in English.