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Casgliad hynod ddiddorol o lythyrau, gweithredoedd a nodiadau amrywiol yn ymestyn yn ol i flynyddoedd cynnar yr ail ganrif ar bymtheg, yn ymwneud yn bennaf a Phenybryn ac eiddo arall ym mhlwyf Edern. Craidd y casgliad yw swp o lythyrau a ddanfonwyd gan Hugh Jones, Georgia, UDA at ei rieni a’i frodyr yng Nghymru, yn adrodd hanes ei garchariad yn ystod y rhyfel rhwng America a Phrydain yn y 1770au a’r bywyd newydd a ganfu yn America ar ol iddo gael ei ryddhau. Ceir yn yr atebion a gafodd wrth ei frodyr fanylion dadlennol ynglyn a hanes Sir Gaernarfon yn ystod chwarter olaf y ddeunawfed ganrif.

An extremely interesting collection of letters, deeds and miscellaneous material going back to the early years of the seventeenth century concerning Penybryn and other properties in the parish of Edern. Of primary interest are an important collection of letters sent by Hugh Jones, Georgia, USA, to his parents and brothers in Wales, relating his experiences as a prisoner during the Anglo-American War of the 1770s and his subsequent life as a settler in America following his release. The replies from his brother reveal many aspects of Caernarfonshire history during the last quarter of the eighteenth century.

Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
XM/5120/31. LETTER: Wm. Toulmin, 6 Nicholas Lane, Lombard St, London to Mr. Griffith Jones, Portinllain, Edern re Thomas Humphrey, Penbryn’s will.  1805 July 22
XM/5120/32. 1. Revd. Thomas Williams as agent of the Hon. Jane Finch.
2. John Jones, pa. Edern.
NOTICE TO QUIT: Messuage, t’ment, farm and lands of M--- in Llydoden, p a. Llandudwen. Cefnodwyd...
1806 March 20
XM/5120/33. LETTER: Andrew ?, Caernarfon to his Dear Brothers in the Lord. He feels himself at a very great loss in this place. He was at the meeting last night but he is sorry to say that he was unable to unders...  more 1809 Dec. 24
XM/5120/34. PROBATE OF THE WILL (14 Sept. 1822) of Mary Jones, Penybryn, pa. Edern, widow, bequeathlng toAnn Jones, dau. of Evan Jones of Caernarfon £50; to Ann Jones, dau. of Owen Jones of Liverpool £60; to the ...  more 1825 March 28
XM/5120/35. BILL of Evan Jones & Evan Roberts for the sum of £7.05. 6d. for carrying gravel, water, lime, timber, etc.  1826 Nov. 17
XM/5120/36. INVOICE of Evan Roberts & Evan Jones to Thomas Jones and William Hughes for the sum of £20.1s.0d. for carting stones from Bwlch Bridyn to Edern towards building two houses by measure 344 yards.  1826 Dec. 14
XM/5120/37. 1. Evan Jones, Caernarfon, shoemaker.
2. Rev. William Williams, Pwllheli, clerk. MORTGAGE [Demise for a term of 500 years] of messuage, t’ment and lands called Penybryn, Cil Llidiart Pent...
1828 Feb. 27
XM/5120/38. 1. Margaret Jones of Caernarfon, widow, John Jones of Salt House Dock, Liverpool, mariner,
Hugh Jones of Caernarfon, shoemaker,
Anne Jones of Caernarfon, spinster,
Henry Jones of ...
1832 April 24
XM/5120/39. TRWYDDED i Evan Roberts, Penybryn, William Prichard, Tyn Bedw, Griffith Roberts, Glasynis, Humphrey Jones, Gors ffennon, i edrych ar ôl Gorswuld `yn ovalis fel na bo neb dory towirch na hêl tail ohony...  more 1842 Aug. 6
XM/5120/40. PROBATE OF WILL (20 April 1847) of Evan Roberts, Penybryn, pa. Edern, farmer, bequeathing unto Fan Griffith, dau. of his wife Catherine £200; the messuage and dwelling called Penybryn to his wife Cath...  more 1857 May 28
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