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Papurau amrywiol y cafwyd hyd iddynt yn Swyddfa Profiant Caernarfon
Miscellaneous Papers Found in Caernarfon Probate Office

Mae’r catalog hwn yn cynnwys papurau amrywiol yn hanu o 16 cymdeithas annibynnol. Daethpwyd o hyd iddynt yn y Swyddfa Brofiant yng Nghaernarfon. Nid oedd y mwyafrif o’r papurau mewn unrhyw drefn gyson na gwreiddiol ac nid yw’n glir pam fod cymaint o bapurau amrywiol wedi eu cadw gyda’i gilydd. Fodd bynnag roedd llawer ohonynt mewn ffeiliau â phennawd iddynt felly’n cadw rhyw fath o drefn gronolegol neu thematig. Pan gafwyd ffeiliau fel hyn, mae’r papurau wedi eu bwndelu at ei gilydd yn hytrach na’u rhestru yn unigol oherwydd y nifer o bapurau ynddynt. Hefyd gellir gweld patrwm o osod papurau mewn rhai o’r ffeiliau ac fe lynwyd at hynny. Felly ceisiwyd cadw at y drefn wreiddiol pan yn bosib, gyda gweddill y rhestr yn artiffisial. Roedd hyn yn angenrheidiol er mwyn creu catalog defnyddiol.

Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
XM/5727/51 SPECIFICATIONS of steam laundry machinery, cooking apparatus, boiler, washing machine and copper cylinder for the workhouse. The work is to be carried out by G. W. Tomlinson & Milan Ltd., Huddersfield...  more 1902 May 2
XM/5727/52 FORMS OF TENDER for alterations, etc. at the workhouse. [21 items]  1902
XM/5727/53 BUNDLE of minutes of the Board of Guardians of the Caernarfon Union and details of the personal property of John Roberts Williams, Superintendent Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages. [In Welsh a...  more 1914-1921
XM/5727/54 BUNDLE of correspondence between John Roberts Williams, and the Guardians of the Caernarfon Union regarding expenses allowed for the upholding of the Registrar Office. Includes documents concerning th...  more 1919
XM/5727/55 RECEIPTS issued by the Caernarfon Union for the credit of the Guardians of the Caernarfon Union from 1917-1929. From 1929 receipts were issued by the Public Assistance Department of Caernarfonshire CC...  more 1917-1937
XM/5727/56 BUNDLE of bills and vouchers and correspondence between the Cottage Hospital and various people relating to the scheme, details of patients and treatments, account details, maintenance fees, receipts ...  more 1938-1939
XM/5727/57 CIRCULAR LETTER laying out the rules and conditions of the weekly contributory scheme. [In Welsh and English] [3 copies]  1939 Feb
XM/5727/58 BUNDLE of bills and vouchers and correspondence between the Cottage Hospital and various people and hospitals relating to the scheme, maintenance fees, receipts certifying contributors to the scheme, ...  more 1939
XM/5727/59 BUNDLE of bills and vouchers and correspondence between the Cottage Hospital and various people and hospitals relating to the scheme, maintenance fees, receipts certifying contributors to the scheme, ...  more 1940
XM/5727/60 CIRCULAR LETTER from R. Parry, Mayor, to members of the public regarding Caernarfon Peace Celebrations. [In Welsh and English]  1919 May 14
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In accord with normal archival practice in Wales, details of documents are presented in the language of the document. Where details appear in Welsh, then Welsh is the language in which the document is written; where they are in English, the document is in English.