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WILL of Richard Ellis of Gwynfryn, co. Carn., clerk, charging lands mentioned in Articles of Agreement of or about 15 July 1799 with payment of three annuities of £40, £40 and £20 and bequeathing one of annuities of £40 to Sarah Ellis, widow of his son Richard Ellis and her daughter Elizabeth Nanney Ellis and then to E.N.P. and her assigns for natural life of William Ellis which shall be taken as £40 annuity granted by Articles of Agreement of 5 November 1799 on marriage of son R. with S.E., in case W.E. should survive S.E. and E.N.E. then gives the annuity of £40 to his grand-daughter Anne Jones of Brynhir for term of life of W.E.; bequeaths other annuity of £40 to his son W.E. and his assigns for term of his natural life; bequeaths annuity of £20 to grand-daughters Margaret and Elizabeth Jones and their assigns for term of life of W.E., and should one of them die before W.E. the share to go to the other and should W.E. survive both annuity to go to 1andson Owen Jones ad assigns for term of life of W., and should W.E. survive O.J. annuity to go to grandson Richard Jones for term of life of W; bequeaths to Richard Nanney of Bachwen, co. Carn., clerk, David Ellis of Caernarfon, esq., Richard Edwards of Nanthoron, esq., Owen Jones of Caerdoctor, co. Carn., clerk and Richard Jones the younger of London, merchant £600 and interest a trust; to Richard Lloyd of Bronhaul of co. Denbs., esq., and Richard Nanney, clerk all his books and the large mahogany book press and bed and furniture of the wainscoted bed chamber over the old parlour and also the furniture of the new parlour and fixtures in the brewhouse with brewing vessels used there, also small oak bureau which he got from his father on trust to remain as heirlooms in the house; he wills that an inventory be taken of house so that contents may be better preserved as heirlooms; bequeaths principle sum of £100 and indenture of mortgage of estate of Samuel Priestly, esq., Co. Carn., with interest to said R.L. and R.N. on trust towards maintenance and education of his grand- daughter E.N.E. and then to be transferred to E.N.E. when she becomes 21 or marries, which ever happens first, should she die before this then bequeaths sum of £1000 and interest to grand-daughter Elizabeth Jones when she becomes 21 or marries, whichever happens first, or if she should die before this bequeaths the £1000 and interest to his grandsons, Richard Jones and `Owen Jones; bequeaths all messuage, t’ments and lands called Brynbedda, Ynysheli, Tyddyn bach ucha and new house and smithy lately erected pa. Llanystumdwy to his son David Ellis for life, to the use of R.L. ad R.N. in life of D.E. on trust to preserve contingent remainder, after death of D.E. to attend the inheritance; bequeaths all messuage, t’ment and lands called Brynchni, pa. Llangybi to his son Williams Ellis and his assigns, during his life and then to use of his heirs (R.E.) for ever; bequeaths messuages, t’ments and lands called Bwlch y Groes, Tvn y miria and TvnvGarreg, pa. Llaniestyn to R.L. and R.N. to hold on trust to raise £1100 by sale, demise or mortgage of all or part of messuages, t’ments and lands pa. Llaniestyn upon trust to invest in the name(s) of R.L. and R.N. ad upon trust as to £600 part of above sum for maintenance ad education of Anne and Margaret, dau. of his late dau. Elizabeth by John Jones, esq., until attain age of 21 or marry, and when this achieved then upon trust to pay or transfer the funds ad securities in which £600 invested to them equally, and upon trust as to £500 other part of above sum towards maintenance and education of grand-daughter E.J. until she attains 21 years of age or marries, then upon trust to pay or transfer the funds and securities in which £500 invested to E.J., and in case any of Anne, Margaret and Elizabeth shall die before share becomes due, then that share is to go as follows: if A. and M. survive E. then the money is to be shared equally between A. and M., if E. survives either A. or M. then share accruing shall belong to survivors so that E. has 2/3 more than said A. or M. surviving, should only one survive then the shares of the others shall go to her, provided also that until £1100 raised R.L. and R.N. shall receive yearly rents and profits thereof on trust to pay same in equal shares towards main- tenancy and education of said A., M. and E., and after sum of £1100 raised bequeaths these messuages, t’ments and lands to his heirs for ever; any part of real estate incumbered by mortgage to remain liable to same without aid from his personal estate; residue of personal estate and effects to son David Ellis, whom he also appoints as his executor. Appended: CODICIL: (1 December 1805) Makes liable several messuages, t`ments and lands mentioned in will to be situated pa. Llaniestyn and Llanystumdwy which he inherits as heir to his late bro. Rev. Zacheus Ellis, clerk, with £300, which bequeaths to grand-daughter Anne Jones, and also sum of £300 which bequeaths to grand-daughter Margaret Jones, and sum of £300 which bequeaths to grand-daughter Elizabeth Jones, and charges total of £900 on said messuages as addition to sums given by him in his will to grand-daughters, A. M. and E., but should any of grand-daughters die before are entitled to receive these sums then directs her share of several sums shall belong to survivor(s) in equal shares; bequeaths to grand-daughters A., M. and E. all wearing apparel belonging to his late wife Elizabeth Ellis to be divided as Mrs. Jones of Cae’r Docotor shall think proper; bequeathes to grandson Owen Jones £50 and to servant Catherine Hughes £20 to be paid by executor within 12 months of his decease; charges messuage and premises called Brynbedda, pa. Llanystumdwy with annuity of £4 to his servant William Richard, first payment to be on first 11 October after his death; also charges Brynbedda with two annuities of £2 each pay’ able to his servants Ellin Richard and John Griffith during their natural lives first payment to be on 11 October after his death.

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