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Accounts of Pooley Hall Estate and Colliery

Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
XD32B/44 BUNDLE of accounts of Pooley Hall Estate at six-monthly intervals from June 1874 to Christmas 1882, some enclosing correspondence from J.H. James, 62 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London W.C., to Col. C...  more 1874-1882
XD32B/45 ACCOUNTS of Pooley Hall Estate at six-monthly intervals from June 1883 to Christmas 1889 and from June 1895 to October 1899 (with additional accounts December 1885 and January 1887) enclosing correspo...  more 1883-1899
XD32B/46 ACCOUNTS of Pooley Hall Estate for year ending 29 September 1900 enclosing receipts from the following: Alfred Geo. Fox, Builder, Joiner & Undertaker, Long Street, Atherstone, [co. Warks.]; Royal Exch...  more 1899-1900
XD32B/47 ACCOUNTS of Pooley Colliery at six-monthly intervals from May 1900 to October 1902, enclosing correspondence from J.H. James, Kingswood, Watford, co. Herts., to Col. Wynne Finch, 11 Bruton St. [London...  more 1900-1902
XD32B/48 ACCOUNTS of Pooley Hall Estate (duplicate of one ’in London’) for six-monthly period ending June 1880.  1880 June
XD32B/49 NOTE re Pooley Hall Estate accounts.  n.d. [1878 or earlier]
XD32B/50 NOTE re Pooley Hall Estate accounts June 1884, by C.A.W.F. [C.A.Wynne Finch].  1884 June

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In accord with normal archival practice in Wales, details of documents are presented in the language of the document. Where details appear in Welsh, then Welsh is the language in which the document is written; where they are in English, the document is in English.