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LETTER: M. C[harteris] to Mr. Rochfort, stating that she had thanked Father Burke for the family history safely received. She wonders whether when he is in Dublin he might find someone to fill in the missing points by asking at the registry of deeds office, Henrietta Street, Dublin, or the Palatine Court of Tipperary, and says that she never understood why Glengall" came to be the title. She notes that the parish church of Kilmanagh has an epitaph which names Sarah Butler, nee Nichols, so often mentioned by [John J. Murray of Ballough, Kilmanagh], as Dowager Baroness of Cahir. She also wonders as to the extent of the Cahir Estates, clearly very large, which she believes went to the top of the Sugarloaf and into co. Waterford. She thinks that there may be some maps in the survey or other office. She says that it was a most fortunate thought of his to profit by Father Burke’s acquaintance with family history and that, if they could fill in the gaps he mentions, it would be invaluable.

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