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BUNDLE of invitations and other documents re a Saint David’s Day Dinner, the presentation of the Honorary Freedom of the Borough of Conway to the Royal Welch Fusiliers, and an "At Home" held by the Royal Welch Fusiliers.

Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
XD/32/1078/1 MENU CARD: 6/7 R.W.F. (T.A.) Saint David’s Day Dinner, 1958.  [1958]
XD/32/1078/2 PROGRAMME (2) of the Presentation of the Honorary Freedom of the Borough of Conway to the Royal Welch Fusiliers in Bodlondeb grounds, Conwy on Saturday 19 April 1958.  [1958]
XD/32/1078/3 STICKER: to the Honorary Freedom Presentation Ceremony of the Borough of Conway.  [1958]
XD/32/1078/4 MAP of the Borough of Conway showing how to arrive at the site of the ceremony.  [1958]
XD/32/1078/5 INVITATION: General Sir Hugh Stockwell and the officers of the Royal Welch Fusiliers to the Lord Lieutenant and Lady to attend an ";At Home"; at the Castle Hotel, Conwy on 19 April.  [1958]
XD/32/1078/6 INVITATION: The Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors of the Borough of Conway to Brigadier and Mrs. W.H. Wynne-Finch to the Ceremony of the presentation of the Honorary Freedom of the Borough of Conway to...  more [1958]
XD/32/1078/7 LEAFLET re the presentation ceremony and parade at "Bodlondeb" on 19 April, when the regiment is to receive the Freedom of Conway. Details of the ceremony are given and it is requested that...  more [1958]
XD/32/1078/8 LETTER: Arthur L. Ralphes, Town Clerk of the borough of Conwy, at the Town Clerk’s Office, "Bodlondeb", Conwy to Brigadier W.H. Wynne-Finch, M.C., Lord Lieutenant of Caernarvonshire, a...  more 1958 March 10
XD/32/1078/9 LETTER: Arthur L. Ralphes, Town Clerk, of the Borough of Conway at the Town Clerk’s Office, "Bodlondeb", Conwy to Brigadier W.H. Wynne Finch, M.C., Lord Lieutenant of Caernarvonshire a...  more 1958 March 15

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In accord with normal archival practice in Wales, details of documents are presented in the language of the document. Where details appear in Welsh, then Welsh is the language in which the document is written; where they are in English, the document is in English.