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BUNDLE of correspondence of the Cefnamwlch Estate.

Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
XD/32/402 BUNDLE of correspondence of Hugh G. Jones at Cefnamwlch to A.C. Leslie, esq. concerning the management of Cefnamwlch Estate, including the letting of the Lodge; drainage schemes; Cae-du repairs; the s...  more 1896 Jan-Dec.
XD/32/403 BUNDLE of miscellaneous correspondence of the Cefnamwlch Estate including applications for tenancies; a dispute about the tithe charge; application for a reduction in rent; correspondence from W.W. Vi...  more 1896 Jan. - Dec.
XD/32/404 BUNDLE of miscellaneous correspondence of the Cefnamwlch Estate, on various matters including income tax; tithe; sheep trespassing on the land leased to David Jones; repair necessary to part of the hi...  more 1896-1897
XD/32/405 BUNDLE of correspondence of Hugh G. Jones at Cefnamwich to A.C. Leslie, esq., concerning the management of Cefnamwlch Estate including an accident involving Col. Wynne Finch after his horse was fright...  more 1897 Jan. -Nov.

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In accord with normal archival practice in Wales, details of documents are presented in the language of the document. Where details appear in Welsh, then Welsh is the language in which the document is written; where they are in English, the document is in English.