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Capel Ardda (M.C.) ynghanol Ffridd Cowlyd [SH765653]. Tynnwyd y llun yn edrych tua’r Gogledd-orllewin - sylwer ar yr eira ar Foel Grach/Foel Frâs. Dwy garreg fedd yn unig a welir trwy’r bwlch yng nghlawdd y fynwent, ond mae ychydig mwy ohonynt yno. Tynnwyd y llun gyda’r awyr yn gymylog dywyll; dechreuodd fwrw glaw ymhen ychydig funudau wedyn. Dyddiad: 10 Chwefror 1980. [Ardda Chapel (M.C.) in the middle of Ffridd Cowlyd (SH765653). The picutre was taken towards the north-west - note the snow on Foel Grach/Foel Frâs. Only two gravestones can be seen through the hole in the wall of the graveyard but there are a few more. When the photograph was taken the sky was cloudy and dark; it started to rain a few minutes later. Date: 10 February 1980.]

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