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Various Views, People and Events associated with Caernarfon:

Item TitleDescriptionArchive Date
XS2021/1 Corner of Seilo Chapel, Caernarfon. (Negative only.)   
XS2021/2 Seilo bach, Caernarfon. (Negative only.)   
XS2021/3 Sub Post-Office, Twthill, Caernarfon. (Negative only.)   
XS2021/4-5 National School, Llanberis Road, Caernarfon. (Negative only.)   
XS2021/6 National School, Caernarfon viewed from corner of Pool Lane and Wynne Street. (Negative only.)   
XS2021/7-10 Houses in ? Clarke Street, Caernarfon. (Negative only.)   
XS2022/1 V.E. Day Party in Caernarfon. Mayor, Mr. Richard Davies, Bryn Goleu, Hampton Road, (Secretary of the Co-operative Society). Boy on far left, Dick Parry.   
XS2022/2 V.E. Day Party at Upper Maes Barcer, Caernarfon. Mayor and Mayoress, Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Phillips.   
XS2022/3 Coronation Party in Henwalia, Caernarfon, 1953. Mayor and Mayoress, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davies, Bryn Goleu, Hampton Road, Caernarfon. 3rd from left: Mr. I.B. Jones; seated at table behind the Mayor:...  more  
XS2022/4 Coronation Party in Caernarfon, 1953. Back Row: from left: 1. --; 2. Mrs. Davies, Mayoress; 3. Mr. Spanner, Marcus Street; 4. Mr. Philip Davies, Town Clerk; 5. Mr. Richard Davies, Mayor; 6. --. Front ...  more  
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